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Project Mgmt

Change Mgmt

Make It Happen

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Chain provides solutions in following three major parts of the supply chain:

Sourcing: the process of procuring products from manufacturers or vendors

Manufacturing: the process of producing products efficient and effective according to the customer's demand

Fulfillment: the process of planning, execution and controlling the delivery of goods and services through the supply chain network to serve your customers


- Logistics Strategy
- Transportation Strategy
- Rationalise/Design Logistics Network
- Outsourcing Strategy/Partnerships


- Facility Design/Lay-out
- Logistics Organisation
- Process (re-)Design
- Inventory Management
- Customer Service
- Equipment/Package selection
- Spare Parts Logistics
- Reverse Logistics


- Day-to-Day (interim) management
- Performance Measurement (KPI)
- Operational Improvement
- Order Cycle Reduction
- Cost-to-Serve
- Material Handling
- Transportation Planning





Performance Management

Performance management allows you to know at what performance level your company is acting and helps you to easily define your future targets

- Activity Based Costing
- Introduction of KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
- Business measures: ex. late deliveries, budget ...
- Measures aligned with business objectives
- Goal of performance management is to:
- Set business goals
- Set individual goals
- Make decisions and initiate actions based on facts and figures
- Measure the efficiency and effectiveness of actions taken
- Provide feedback to decision makers
- Control and if necessary adapt the business
- Motivate people



Business Process Management (BPM)

Business Process Management (BPM) stands for the control of the processes in your company. Most familiar part of BPM is Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). Chain provides a framework that can guide and assist clients who seek to understand and implement successfully business solutions that may range from minor changes to total transformation.

Chain helps you to find the major improvements or innovations by executing profound audits in companies.





Project Management

Project Management is an important part of change in a company. Therefore project management is necessary to:

  - Organise the project
  - Prepare the organisation for a change
  - Manage the resistance to change
  - Create buy-in with stakeholders
  - Organise planning and to keep deadlines
  - Communicate
  - Evaluate
  - Keep an overview

Project Management needs to be pragmatic, persuasive and has to create confidence.

Without profound project management there is no project!




Change Management

Organizational Change and Change Management are concepts that managers meet on a regular base. Often in a context where the concept is linked to the feared word: 'Reorganization'. Reorganization creates far too often a sour feeling, even in situations where reorganization is urgently needed. The opposite of change, predictability and security, are far more accepted.

We hear it every day: "People lose their jobs because of reorganization". It is understandable that a change in an organization automatically becomes associated with reorganization in the above mentioned meaning. For this reason 'change' is often seen as something negative, although there are lots of cases where 'change' became a real improvement.

Revising and changing processes start automatically the change-process. If this process of change is not or insufficient recognized, the risk of not achieving the desired results becomes larger. Chain is conscious about the process of change and will guide your organization through this process.


Make it Happen

Make it Happen means that we implement the solutions and/or we coach the people in your organisation to execute the plans.

For all projects, an implementation and coaching role can be foreseen dependent on the wishes of the client.

- Implementation will be combined with project management
- Coaching provides a sound board for the client's ideas and solutions.




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